December 2016 - Discover and learn about brain functions, along with the latest news on brain plasticity and research!
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Author: DynamicBrain Inc.
Publication: Monthly Newsletter
Published Date: December 21, 2016

With 2016 coming to a close, I would like to take this time to thank you for making BrainHQ and DynamicBrain so successful. This year we saw a significant announcement at the Alzheimer’s International Conference and the success of our brain training program in helping manage chemo-brain for cancer patients. The start of 2017 will see us continuing to promote brain health and fitness through our ongoing seminars and webinars, sharing the latest news in brain research and development, and expanding our group brain fitness classes in Canada.

I would like to wish you and yours a very happy and safe holiday season.

P.S. If you are still looking for any last minute gifts for your loved ones, why not giving them the gift of a healthy and fit brain!

Kind regards,
Frieda Fanni
DynamicBrain Inc.

DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian partner of Posit Science Corporation providing brain fitness program BrainHQ in English and French.

The neuroscience of boosting confidence and reducing fear
A UCLA team of neuroscientists has developed a way of boosting people's confidence by tapping into their brain activity when they are in 'high confidence' states, and rewarding them while in that state. The team, in a different study, has also discovered a way to unconsciously erase fear memories using the same technique. These research projects may open a new realm of possible treatments for patients with PTSD, depression and anxiety. Read more about it here.

Diabetic mothers and baby brain health
Pregnant women with diabetes have a lot to manage when ensuring the health of both mother and baby. Researchers in Germany have discovered a new clue as to what happens in utero. It appears that the circulation in diabetic mothers favours delivering blood to the placenta over other organs in the foetus, including the brain. While there are no adverse effects or outcomes if managed properly, this research might lead to improving the long-term health of more children. Read about their findings here.

How our brain switches on and off throughout the day
Neuroscientists have long known that our brains cycle through a basic systems check while we’re asleep; turning different neurons and parts of our brain off and on. Only recently have they found a very similar process happening while we are awake. They believe this plays a role in how we pay attention to tasks and activities, by allowing the areas of the brain required for the task to focus and letting the areas unrelated to the task have a rest. Discover more about the process here.

In This Issue

The neuroscience of boosting confidence and reducing fear
Diabetic mothers and baby brain health
How our brain switches on and off throughout the day
Playing it safe as you age? Are you wiser, or is it your brain?!
Recipe of the month
How our imagination works
Your Brain Holds the Key to Safer Driving!
Blogs and Resources



Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment

Brain Training & Dementia

Healthy Aging

Traumatic Brain Injury


HIV-Related Cognitive Decline

Cognitive Impairment due to Heart Failure

Fall Risk and Mobility

Visual Disturbances and Impairment

Driving Impairment

Hearing and Cognitive Training

The IMPACT Study

The ACTIVE Study

The IHAMS Study

All Published Scientific Studies

Scientific Studies In-progress

Playing it safe as you age? Are you wiser, or is it your brain?!
In general, when we describe older people we will use words such as cautious, reserved, or considered. Researchers have discovered a clue that this behaviour might very well be related to changes in the grey matter of older people than to their age alone. This discovery could be used to help manage negative aspects of over-cautious behaviour that can lead to unrealistic fears of the world. Being confident in decision making and our ability to make good choices could be affected by good brain health. Learn more here.

Recipe of the Month: Lemony Collard Greens
Eating leafy greens isn’t just good for your overall well being, but is an essential brain food as we age. A specific pigment found in leafy greens plays a vital role in neuroprotection and slows age related decline in our brains. Learn more about this discovery and which foods you need to include in a brain-healthy diet, here, and try our recipe here.

How our imagination works
Have you ever found yourself watching a movie based on a book you’ve read and felt disappointed that the actors on screen didn’t appear how you pictured them in your head while reading? Our imaginations are rich and varied, but they’re also based in how we experience the world around us. This is the key to our ability to think up images while reading words on a page. Clusters of neurons related to past experiences fire simultaneously in a process called neural synthesis. Watch and learn how this process happens here.

Your Brain Holds the Key to Safer Driving!
Your brain is one of the most important pieces of safety equipment when you get behind the wheel of a car. As we age, our reaction times slow down and our field of vision decreases. This means our safety on the road is also reduced. By spending only 10 hours doing the engaging driving cognitive training program you can save your life and the lives of others on the road! Learn more and find out your CRASH RISK now - it's FREE.

ATTENTION Ottawa, ON Canada
2017 Winter-Spring Brain Fitness and Driving Cognitive Training Class Schedules

Heron Seniors Centre Walking Clubs. Physical activity is one of the main pillars of a healthy brain and body. Join the Heron Senior Centre's regular, Nordic and Urban pole walkers to boost your health. Call 247-4808x2 for information.

Greenboro Community Centre Thursday Social Drop-in

Blogs and More Interesting Articles
Brain Activity May Predict Risk of Falls in Older Adults
How hearing 'twist my arm' engages the brain
Brain shrinkage in multiple sclerosis associated with leaked protein in blood
New findings about stem cells in the brain of patients with epilepsy
New research finds brain activation in children viewing large portions of food
Brains of ‘supernormal’ seniors seem to resist damage
Human Evolution: Origins of our Big Brains, How our Evolution Continues
How Plasticity-based Brain Training Works
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors
Description of BrainHQ Exercises
BrainHQ Exercise Tutorials
BrainHQ New User? Try the Daily Spark
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BrainHQ in French:
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