
The Science Behind BrainHQ Driving Cognitive Training

In this week’s blog we’ll review what the scientific evidence says about BrainHQ. On that note, we’re very encouraged to see that there’s an increasing awareness among the scientific community to more clearly define what constitutes clinically-validated brain training.

The focus of BrainHQ has always been on delivering brain training programs that make meaningful, quality of life enhancing improvements for everyday real-world, living experiences. The BrainHQ Driving Cognitive Training program is a perfect example of that.

BrainHQ uniquely distinguishes itself as a clinically-validated cognitive training system developed by a global team of over 100 scientists under the eminent leadership of Dr. Merzenich, a world authority on brain plasticity and Chief Scientific Officer of Posit Science.

The scientific rigour that is the basis for every one of the BrainHQ brain training exercises has been the subject of more than 70 peer-reviewed studies to this point with dozens more currently underway.

Laboratory results from a landmark study led by the renowned MAYO Clinic, the most highly ranked US hospital for patient care in 2014, along with the IMPACT study involving many thousands of participants demonstrate a broad array of cognitive benefits that make significant differences in our everyday lives:

Mayo Clinic IMPACT Study and the ACTIVE Study

  • Memory improved by 10+ years
  • Hearing system improved by 131%
  • Visual system improved by 300%
  • Peripheral vision increased by 200%






The ground-breaking ACTIVE Study (Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly) with 2,832 participants represents the largest study ever performed on cognitive training. With key funding provided by the National Institutes of Health, the ACTIVE study proves that healthy older adults can make significant cognitive improvements by using the BrainHQ training exercises.

Participants were reassessed in 2, 5 and 10 year follow-ups and the long term cognitive improvements were still evidenced 10 years without any further training. To learn more, please visit: ACTIVE Study and 10-Year Mark.

The BrainHQ Driving Cognitive Training program helps you and your loved ones stay safe on the road by offering life-saving benefits which include:

  • Reduction of car accident risks by 50%
  • Driver ability to stop 22 feet sooner at 88 km/h
  • Reduction of unsafe driving maneuvers by 38%
  • Improved driving at night and in adverse conditions



Integral to the ACTIVE Study, BrainHQ’s Double Decision Exercise is also referenced in The Wall Street Journal, where they state that “a government-funded study published this month found that playing Double Decision can slow and even reverse declines in brain function associated with aging, while playing crossword puzzles cannot.”

Our brains ultimately hold the key for safer driving. It is up to us to engage it to maximize its performance and we’ll be rewarded in countless ways.

If you haven’t done so already, why not take this opportunity to learn what your crash risk is now. It costs nothing to find out, but it may be a potential life-saver down the road: Free Crash Risk Assessment

Keep safe on the roads!


DynamicBrain Inc. is the Canadian Partner of Posit Science Corporation providing brain fitness program, BrainHQ in English and French.