Discover why you need to train your brain with BrainHQ and learn more about the science behind it all.
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Brain Training Blog
Tom Brady’s Secret Weapon: BrainHQ

Tom Brady acknowledged just before the Super Bowl that he has been using online brain training platform BrainHQ for three years. He noted that the exercises help him “stay sharp and make better split-second decisions on the field.” Read more.
Summary: 10 Brain Exercises for Seniors

The science of brain plasticity is the basis of our BrainHQ exercises. Your brain is constantly in a state of change–sometimes for the worse, sometimes for the better. The exercises within BrainHQ are designed to harness your changing brain and direct it in ways that can enhance your overall cognitive performance. Read more.
10 Brain Exercises for Seniors: Exercise #10 Eye for Detail

Does the thought of driving somewhere new make you anxious? If the idea of going to a new part of town, searching for street names, numbers, following a map and the rules of the road, while keeping track of any developing situations in traffic feels overwhelming, it may come down to how your brain processes visual information. When going somewhere for the first time and trying to see everything simultaneously, your eyes will be all over the road, to put it one way. Focusing on one thing, like reading the address numbers can lead to less attention spent on driving safely, and near misses are just as likely to keep us at home as an actual accident. Read more.
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What do our customers say?

Yvette Goulet
My daughter bought me the Brain Fitness Program and Insight in Fall 2011 and encouraged me to start using it. Since using the program, I have noticed many improvements in my overall functioning. My reflexes are much faster. I see everything around me and coming at me when I am driving.

Lyn Morgan
I think those exercises really helped my awareness and peripheral vision. I would notice things in my periphery quicker, and that extends to things besides driving as well.

Louise Tremblay
I’ve always been curious about brain training programs. There are so many out there. I was looking for a program that was researched and scientifically proven. It was a no-brainer decision to go with Posit Science programs. And since the program was designed and developed under Dr. Michael Merzenich, I knew my time and money was going to be well invested.
DynamicBrain is proud to be associated with partner firms and organizations that embrace our mission to enhance the performance and the empowerment of the human brain. Our scientifically validated programs create measurable results with real-world benefits. It is this clear focus that distinguishes us as exceptionally valued and trusted business partners.